Friday, March 23, 2007

The Allergy Fight

I don't *knock on wood* suffer from a lot of allergies. I get a bit sniffly in the spring time, but nothing that really sends me into fits of sneezing or itchy eyes *knocks on some more wood*.

R. on the other hand is allergic to just about anything (though he claims not to be) and has mild asthma. Pet fur/dander is probably his worst allergy, so we don't have pets. Springtime allergies like pollen typically don't bother him. However, something in this new apartment does--because he's spent more nights than not with itching eyes and sneezing fits and generally being unable to sleep--something he does not deal with well as he usually sleeps fine. Pretty much the second he stepped into the apartment--the allergies started. So, we ruled out pollen or outside factors as the major perpetrator because he would feel better if we got out of the apartment--even if that meant being outside.

So, I spent much of yesterday trying to eradicate whatever might be the problem. I washed everything in case it was dust mites. I searched for mold in the windows and bathroom and found none. I went out and bought an air purifyer and some anti-allergen Febreeze and sprayed the place down. I also bought him some nose-spray and eye-drops on top of the over-the-counter allergy pill he'd been taking for the past week.

Last night, he slept through the night without much problem. He's stills stuffy and a little itchy, but enough that it's bearable for him.

Do you guys have any ways/home remedies to deal with allergies and all they entail? I'm guessing spraying Febreeze all over the apartment wasn't one of the most eco-friendly solutions.


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