Friday, February 16, 2007

Crazy Week

So, it's been a crazy week between snowstorms, terrible roads, signing leases and trying to get ready to move. And, now, I'm catching a cold and feeling quite puny. I am totally overwhelmed by the disgusting, messy, disorganized slop of our soon-to-be-former apartment and I'm a bit worried that it's physically impossible to clean and pack everything before next Friday. We shall see.

Due to the craziness and the messiness and the total lack of planning shown on our part, we have been eating out way too much (McDonald's, Arby's, Olive Garden, Pizza Hut in the past week). And then there's all the Valentine's Day candy I've inhaled. It's amazing how much food can effect your health--and oh what a difference a homecooked meal or fresh fruit/vegetable can make on energy levels.

I've got a lot of plans for the new apartment--plans that likely will fall apart, but one can dream. In an effort to be more organized, I want to start meal planning and grocery shopping accordingly. This is difficult because neither R. nor I have normal schedules in work/school so it's hard to know who's eating what and when. Still, I'm going to give it the old college try.

The next week + may be a bit disjointed and crazy, but I'll be doing my best to post as much as possible. :)

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