Thursday, May 3, 2007

Farmer's Market Travesty

So, I've mentioned a few times that there was a farmer's market getting ready to open fairly close to my apartment. I've been excited, eagerly looking for new signs as I drove by.

It opened May 1st, so R. and I headed over yesterday to see what they had. Obviously, it's still really early for most fresh produce, but I was still... optimistic.

We walk in and there's a stand of bags of chips. At first, I think they must be organic chips or something... but nope, regular old Tostidos and Lays. Huh. Then there's a display of soda. Okay.

I quickly move to the produce with a sinking feeling. There's displays of mangoes, plums, pears... all things that I know can't be Fresh or Local. I begin to read tags: Product of California, Georgia, MEXICO. The signs say "Fresh" and "Delisious" (spelled with an s, yes). But, THESE ARE NOT FRESH--THEY HAVE BEEN SHIPPED FROM MEXICO.

Needless to say I was angry. Angry because I got my hopes up, but also because the place claims to be a "FARMER'S market" and... I guess maybe the produce came from a farm SOMEWHERE, but I don't think the farmer is reaping the rewards of a sale. And the signs say FRESH--something from Mexico CAN'T BE FRESH.

But, the saddest part is, I don't think the owners are trying to trick people. They just don't think about it. Food is food is food. It's fresh if it looks ripe, but they're not really thinking about the trip it took that Mango to get here from Mexico. They're thinking, hey let's put a cute little market right here. Let's sell produce. Cool.

So, I'm disappointed and irritated that they're calling themselves a farmer's market. R. thinks it's a mob front, but being a police officer shifts his paranoia into overdrive =)

Looks like I'll be searching out somewhere else to get my local produce this summer. I just hope I can find somewhere not too far out of my way.


Anonymous said...

The big farmer's market in Kansas City (a lot like Soulard in STL) is full of local produce, but it is also packed with tee-shirt vendors, cell phone sellers, toy and gadget hawkers, and general crap. Fortunately, there are more local, local farmer's markets in the suburbs that really do limit themselves to vendors from the immediate area.

I think you're right about the organizers simply not knowing the meaning of the words they toss about. But even so, the customers who don't know the difference are as much at fault for letting the abuse slip by.

ericat said...

I am from south africa and we do have local produce in the shops. The "street markets" do not have produce direct from farmers but from the big markets. We are too far away to have imports like I saw visiting my son in the UK. Everything seems to come from Europe!?
I want to read more on your blog. Please feel free to visit my garden. It is too hot and dry for veggies, only hobby garden
and my blogs are also on blogspot.

Anonymous said...

The Soulard market is great. I stuck to the vegetables/fruits/flowers with Mike. We thought we'd be adventerous and go for the fish or meat...but we never did. Anyhow, the prices are great, and I plan on bringing a BIG container to keep my veggies and fruit cool while they travel from St. Louis to Lombard the next time I am in St. Louis
