Monday, May 21, 2007

Two Worlds

I have always been fascinated by sunsets--the blaze of color, cloud, sky. The intricate flames of day slowly fading into night.

One of my favorite parts of the sunset is towards the end, when half of the world is accepting night--dark, with stars and moon, and the other half still holds onto the day. The sun gone, but light still shining, the colors of the sunset beautifully pale and subtle--colors I would never be able to catch on film... just bare tints of orange and pink. I love that groves of trees look dark, but the sky behind them is glowing.

I feel magic as this dusk approaches--traveling through two worlds: night and day.

Sometimes it is the simplest pleasures that procure the deepest reaction.

1 comment:

jo(e) said...

I love sunsets too. I love how you describe the more subtle parts of nightfall.