Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oh, hello, little blog

I haven't felt very blogger-y lately. I just don't know what to say. And, this is not restricted to simply the blog. I kind of feel like my brain is only loosely connected to the rest of me. So, I walk along going through the motions of my normal life, while the brain sloshes around in my head.

We're getting some spring thunderstorms here and it looks like we're in for a nice cold snap that will likely bite all that has bloomed in these weeks of abnormally warm temperatures (So warm that the Daffodills and Magnolia trees only bloomed for a few days before they petered out).

I'm finding it hard to believe it's April, that this year is just about 1/4 over.


Anonymous said...

I have felt hte same way. I think there is something in the air! This movement to spring has been an interesting one this year.

Stirs The Stars said...

It must be! The air needs to change so I can get some focus back :) Thanks for commenting!