Monday, February 26, 2007

Back in the Groove, Sorta

Well, it’s been quite a crazy few days. Between attempting to move in the rain, trying to get everything moved (still not accomplished), and attempting to unpack and get organized (not accomplished either), I really just feel like lying down and taking a nap.
But, there’s still much to do.

Saturday night after moving the big stuff, we went to the grocery store. I had planned out our meals for the week and made a list accordingly. And then we spent almost $200 on food—for two people. We were starting from just about scratch, so it makes some sense, but it still was outrageous. But, we bought a lot of produce (mainly organic) and a lot of meat (R. is still not convinced a meal can be a meal without meat, so I only have one meatless meal and will be slowly weaning him down to smaller portions of meat). I’m hoping that as we go along with this I can come up with more cost effective choices for meals and bring that grocery bill down.

Well, it’s back to school and work with intermittent unpacking, organizing, and cleaning of the old apartment. Still, I should be back to posting a bit more regularly.

And lastly, thanks to Katie for answering my last question. Informative and helpful! Thanks, Katie.

1 comment:

Carolyn H said...

I can relate to the sticker shock about your food bill. Still, I have to remember that my grocery bill also includes nonfood items like catfood and dish liquid and that helps drive up the cost.

Carolyn H.