Sunday, March 4, 2007


So, I was so not back in the groove on Monday. This week was a tough one. Between cleaning up the old apartment and trying to put the new one in shape, I was really a bit of a mess.

It's funny, each time I move I figure it won't be emotional, especially since we had grown to dislike a lot about our old place. Besides, I've moved so many times it should be old hat by now. But, no matter the move, it is hard. And a little sad. I haven't spent more than a year in any place since I was in high school, but each place has been special, and in it's own way hard to leave.

We really do love the new place. It's smaller, but we really didn't need all the room we had, just the two of us. So, even though it was a bit sad to leave, it really was the best thing for us. I'm happy, but it was an emotional, crazy week.

Now, I am at my parents for the week "babysitting" my younger sister. Basically, that just means playing chauffeur to a 15-year-old and making sure she doesn't burn the house down. Despite getting to cuddle with a kitty, I'd much rather be in my own apartment getting my seeds started.. or at least getting all the things I need to start my seeds.

Despite the better cable, more space, and an animal to play with, I'm already bored. I've done all my school work for the week, which is amazing for me. I've noticed that I am a lot better at getting work done in grad school than I was in undergrad. Something to do with maturity and actually caring this time around, I suppose.

Maybe by my 25th birthday (in April) I'll begin to feel a bit more settled and on track? But, more than likely I'll still feel scattered and frazzled and trying to untie all the new kinks that have sprouted up.

One thing I am looking forward to: Warm Weather! I am tired of cold! Bring on the sun and the sixties, if only so I can spend some time outdoors!

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